Treadmill vs Elliptical Comparison

September 22, 2021

As the fitness industry continues to grow, there is an increasing number of exercise machines to choose from. Two popular cardio machines are treadmills and ellipticals. Both machines provide effective workouts but they have their differences. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast the two and help you decide which one suits your workout preferences.


Treadmills are great for people who love walking, jogging or running. It is one of the most basic forms of cardiovascular exercise that can be done with a machine. It provides an excellent workout routine, which helps improve bone density, strengthens muscles, and aids weight loss. It also allows you to control the speed, incline, and heart rate, making it an effective way to track progress.

Advantages of Treadmills

  • It is an excellent cardiovascular workout routine that helps burn body fat.
  • It enables you to vary the incline, speed, and workout duration depending on your preference.
  • It is user-friendly and can be used by everyone regardless of their expertise level.
  • It promotes a sense of achievement when you track and monitor your progress.

Disadvantages of Treadmills

  • It can be hard on your joints, depending on your running style.
  • It requires more space and electricity, making it less ideal for small apartments and homes.
  • It is an expensive machine compared to other cardiovascular machines


Ellipticals are a low-impact form of cardio equipment that provides a full-body workout. Instead of using a running motion like on a treadmill, the user moves their feet in an elliptical motion. This machine is beneficial for people who have knee or back problems and cannot handle the stress of running.

Advantages of Ellipticals

  • It is a low-impact workout routine and is gentle on the joints.
  • It provides an effective full-body workout, which helps tone and strengthen your upper and lower body.
  • It is user-friendly and can be used by everyone regardless of their expertise level.
  • It consumes less electricity, making it more efficient.

Disadvantages of Ellipticals

  • It requires more space compared to other cardiovascular machines.
  • It limits your range of motion, making it less effective for athletes and people who love to run.
  • It provides less bone density benefits compared to other cardiovascular machines.


Treadmills and Ellipticals both have different advantages and disadvantages depending on your fitness goals. In terms of calories burned and high-intensity training, treadmills are ideal, while ellipticals are perfect for those who want a low-impact workout routine. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a machine according to your workout preferences, fitness goals, and personal comfort.



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